With nowhere to turn, it is obvious, onward and forward we must go!
Jessie has been under the gun with the pressure of taking care of life and this card game to be ready for Comicpalooza 2022. Funny thing is we are in good timing other than if I didn't get the cards in for print by today, we may not have anything to present for the Con. Jessie pushed it out and gave birth to on of the most relaxing, intense, fun and strategic games that I've played. Mainly at the end, it's super simple, but because we toss in a change roll with a die and have variable abilities for each card, it creates a non-offensive battle that when the Champ leaves victorious, the other player wants to play their chances again and the game continues.

Here's a fun example. Say I am playing with Tech Bot A, which seems low because he only has a 2 Attack and an easily taken Defense, but this little bot's ability is research. It's able to copy the opponent's ability and if it's a good one, can annihilate the opponents card.
Even though Kal-Zaar is stronger normally, here the tables give opportunity for the champion to kill instantly if a 3 is rolled or else they just fight with Attack points remaining the same. This is copied by Tech Bot A and gives this champion the same opportunity, now the game is fun!
Off for print*

Jessie and I worked crazy hard to get these cards to look unique, fun and retro. I think our most difficult struggle in the development was creating tiers for which cards we thought were more valuable. I think he was surprised at which ones I chose for which tiers. Even though I love some cards design more than others, I had to take into account the attack and defense and then combine the possible outcome of their roll with the gauge of other cards it would go up against.
Not an easy task.
So many fun cards and characters we can bring to life. We hope to showcase the retro vibe with our content. Taking some time to build out, but after comicpalooza, you'll see more.
I uploaded all our cards to www.makeplayingcards.com and after hand selecting and clicking each one to fill the tier list for the amount needed in each pack, which that math blew our minds, still not sure if its right.
Right at the end of pressing submit, hours of clicking and fixing the cards order on this site, obviously, fate had to play a joke and it refreshed the page with nothing saved. (ugh..)
Second time around it went through and now they are off to print. What a relief? Now to build that social game up and have people play and learn more about us.
We got this! Thanks for joining!